The Commission on Higher Education – Cordillera Administrative Region (CHED-CAR) met with the officials of Mountain Province Polytechnic State College (MPSPC) to discuss matters relative to their Institutional Sustainability Assessment Self-Evaluation Document on February 16, 2021, via Zoom meeting.

Dr. Annie Grail D. Ekid, MPSPC’s Vice President for Research and Extension, opened the meeting by acknowledging the participants and stating the agenda.

The Officer-in-Charge of the Office of the Director IV – CHED-CAR, Dr. Danilo B. Bose, gave an inspirational message and updates on the application of MPSPC for University status.

Dr. Jimmy G. Catanes, Education Supervisor II, discussed the observations and suggestions of the Regional Office on the submitted Institutional Sustainability Assessment Self-Evaluation Document. Although there will be some minor revisions to be made, he further commended the effort exerted by the said higher education institution in providing a quality self-evaluation document.

Also present during the said virtual meeting were officials of MPSPC headed by their President, Dr. Rexton F. Chakas. The meeting ended with a closing remarks given by Dr. Emily Ann B. Marrero, MPSPC’s Vice President for Academic Affairs.

The Institutional Sustainability Assessment Self-Evaluation Document (ISA SED) serves as a tool for the higher education institution (HEI) to reflect on its internal quality assurance (QA) systems, and to determine what course of action is best for the HEI to meet its vision, mission, and goals (VMG).  It is designed to get the HEI to look at and reflect on its outcomes, while recognizing the importance of quality inputs and evaluate its performance against its VMG.